As a unique motto for this composition Obradović chose verses from Lucretius’ epic poem On the Nature of Things.
One of the most eminent savants of the period, Mazzoni was reported to have an excellent memory, which made him adept at recalling passages from Dante, Lucretius, Virgil, and others in his regular debates with prominent public figures.
De rerum natura, a 1st-century BC epic poem by the Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius
Like several other helmets, the original was found in the River Rhine at Mainz, including one with the inscription of a soldier named L. Lucretius Celeris of Legio I Adiutrix (a legion which was stationed at Mainz from 71 to 86 AD, dating the helmet to this period).
These efforts have resulted in restoration of works by Lucretius and Ennius, and relicts of works by ancient comedy writer Caecilius Statius.
Keidai Saeki is a high school student with memories of his past life as Sirix Lucretius Fronto, a gladiator in Pompeii who lost his wife Serena in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.
The formula "law of nature" first appears as "a live metaphor" favored by Latin poets Lucretius, Virgil, Ovid, Manilius, in time gaining a firm theoretical presence in the prose treatises of Seneca and Pliny.