
unusual facts about Ludendorff


The Ludendorff Bridge, a former railway bridge across the Rhine in Germany

42 cm Gamma Mörser

Ludendorff proposed to attack the massive fort complexes of Verdun and Toul-Nancy in addition to the assault on Belgium, which had been the doctrinaire orthodoxy of the Schlieffen Plan for about 15 years.

Battle of Tannenberg

Ludendorff would later revisit the battle site when naming his own political movement, the Tannenbergbund, formed in 1925.

Although the battle actually took place close to Allenstein (Olsztyn), General Erich Ludendorff's aide, Colonel Max Hoffmann, suggested naming it after Tannenberg, in the interest of German nationalist ideology, to counter the defeat of the Teutonic Knights at the Battle of Grunwald (Tannenberg) in 1410 by Poles and Lithuanians.

Hans Ludendorff

Friedrich Wilhelm Hans Ludendorff (Dunowo, 26 May 1873 - Potsdam, 26 June 1941) was a German astronomer and astrophysicist.

Konstantin Hierl

In 1925, he joined Ludendorff's far-right Tannenbergbund political society, which Hierl left two years later in conflict with Ludendorff's wife Mathilde.

see also