
2 unusual facts about Ludgate

A New Wonder, a Woman Never Vexed

Their conversation quickly turns to personal matters: Old Foster's reprobate brother Stephen is in Ludgate prison for his debts, and Old Foster has fallen out with his son Robert over the son's efforts to alleviate the prisoner's condition.


Although the City gates had ceased to have any modern function apart from decoration, it was replaced along with Ludgate, Newgate, and Temple Bar with a stone gate in 1672.

Blackfriars, London

Edward I gave permission to rebuild London's city wall, which lay between the river and Ludgate Hill, around their area.


A good current example is the character April Ludgate from the TV show Parks and Recreation played by Aubrey Plaza.

Michael Colvin

Later, he became a director, with the black Conservative activist Derek Laud, of the Laud Ludgate lobbying organisation.

Moses ben Isaac ha-Nessiah

The tombstone of a Rabbi Moses, son of Rabbi Isaac, was found at Ludgate, London, in the time of Elizabeth; John Stow, in his "Survey of London" stated that it came from the Jewish cemetery in Jewin Street at the time of the barons' revolt against King John in 1215.

Percy Ludgate

Working alone, Ludgate designed an Analytical Engine while unaware of Charles Babbage's designs, although he later went on to write about Babbage's machine.

Ludgate also helped advance calculators by expanding Charles Babbage's design for the first programmable computer.

Wynne Ellis

In 1812 he became a haberdasher, hosier, and mercer at 16 Ludgate Street, city of London, where he gradually created the largest silk business in London, adding house to house as opportunity occurred of purchasing the property around him, and passing from the retail to a wholesale business in 1830.

see also