
unusual facts about Lupinus

Miss Rumphius

It features the life story of fictional Miss Alice Rumphius, a woman who sought a way to make the world more beautiful and found it in planting lupine in the wild.


The shore of the lake is covered with ichu (stipa ichu), qiwuña (polylepis sp), shunqu shunqu (stangea erikae), kuñaq or botoncillo (werneria dactylophylla), lliqllish qura (werneria nubigea), inka waraqu (opuntia flocossa), rima rima (krapfia weberbaueri) and tawlli machu (lupinus weberbaueri).

Hemaris thetis

They feed on the nectar of various flowers, including Arctostaphylos uva-ursi and Lupinus species.

Lupinus apertus

Lupinus apertus, summit lupine, is a species of flowering plant from the order of Lamiales which is native to Nevada and California.

Lupinus kingii

Lupinus kingii, King's Lupine, is a species of flowering plant from the order of Lamiales which can be found in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah.

Lupinus kuschei

Lupinus kuschei, Yukon lupine, is a species of flowering plant from the order of Lamiales which can be found in Alaska and Western Canada.

Lupinus lyallii

Lupinus lyallii, common names of which are Lobb's Lupine and Lobb's tidy lupine, is a species of flowering plant from the order of Lamiales which can be found in California and everywhere else in the western North America.

Potentilla hippiana

Plant species occurring with this cinquefoil in multiple habitat types include prairie junegrass (Koeleria macrantha), elk sedge (Carex geyeri), western yarrow (Achillea millefolium), silvery lupine (Lupinus argenteus), common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), and beautiful fleabane (Erigeron formosissimus).

Tipsoo Lake

The area is popular with photographers as the shores and surrounding area abound with the vibrant yellow, orange and purple colors of huckleberry, lupine, Indian paintbrush, and Partridgefoot.

see also