
unusual facts about Lurøy

Grønsvik coastal battery

It is easily accessible next to Riksveg 17 just north of Stokkvågen in the municipally of Lurøy, about an hour drive from Mo in Rana.


Lurøy |

Asbjørn Øksendal

He has written several books on the subject of the occupation of Norway by Nazi Germany, including Lurøy-affæren from 1966, Operasjon Oleander from 1968, Når nøden er størst (on POW camps in Trøndelag) from 1969, Sluttspill i Rinnans bandekloster (on Sonderabteilung Lola) from 1971, and Gulltransporten (on the flight of the Norwegian National Treasury) from 1974.

see also