
3 unusual facts about Luria

Aaron Moses ben Mordecai

In reality, Aaron's work is a commentary on the "'Eẓ Ḥayyim" of Ḥayyim Vital, the arch-apostle of the cabalistic school of Luria.

Neurodevelopmental framework for learning

It is similar to other neuropsychological frameworks, including Alexander Luria's cultural-historical psychology and psychological activity theory, but also draws from disciplines such as speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.

Samson ben Pesah Ostropoli

According to the author of Yewen Meẓulah, he wrote also a commentary on the Zohar, titled Machane Dan, in conformity with the cabalistic system of Luria, but this work has not been preserved.

Alexander Luria

Additionally, from 1945 on Luria worked at the Moscow State University and was instrumental in the foundation of the Faculty of Psychology at the Moscow State University, where he later headed the Departments of Patho- and Neuropsychology.

Jacqueline Goss's 28-minute feature How to Fix the World (2004) is a digitally animated video that "draws from Luria's study of how the introduction of literacy affected the thought-patterns of Central Asian peasants." - description taken from the cover of the DVD Wendy and Lucy (2008), OSC-004, which includes it.

Chris Doyle's auteur film Away with Words is largely inspired by Luria's The Mind of a Mnemonist.

Bonnie Nardi

Nardi's self-described theoretical orientation is "activity theory", a philosophical framework developed by the Russian psychologists Vygotsky, Luria, Leont'ev, and their students.

Lee Spetner

Spetner was inspired by the rabbi David Luria (1798 - 1855), who calculated that according to Talmudic sources that there was 365 originally created species of beasts and 365 of birds.


Wide discussion of the Partsufim is found in the Medieval Kabbalah of the Zohar, before Isaac Luria.

To this reformed state, Isaac Luria attributed the former Kabbalistic concepts of Yosher (harmonised "Upright" arrangement of the sephirot), and the many Zoharic passages expounding the Partzufim (Divine "Personas/Configurations"-particular Divine manifestations).

see also