They include a variety of repertoire from original Sonus arrangements of classical pieces such as a 15th century madrigal or a Shostakovich quartet, to popular music from The Cure or Clint Mansell’s Lux Aeterna.
Lux Video Theatre | Lux | Loretta Lux | Gary Lux | Trans-Lux | Sophe Lux | Son Lux | Meade Lux Lewis's | Lux (soap) | Lux (album) | ''Lux'' (album) | Lux Aeterna | Adrian Lux | Adam Lux | 8th Lux Style Awards | 11th Lux Style Awards |
This list includes "Songs of the Fleet" by Charles Villiers Stanford, "Lux Aeterna" by William Mathias, "Birthday Madrigals" by John Rutter, "Mass of the Sea" by Paul Patterson and several other works of George Dyson, Patrick Hadley and Gilbert Vinters.