
3 unusual facts about Lycium

Blepharidachne kingii

Common associates in the flora of the plant's basin and desert habitat include saltbush, winterfat, creosote bush, ragweed, greasewood, hopsage, and boxthorn.


Another name sometimes used is "Christmas berry", but this name is a source of confusion, since it is commonly applied to plants in several genera including Heteromeles, Lycium, Schinus, and Ruscus.

Rhamnus lycioides

Its scientific name lycioides refers to its resemblance to the botanical genus Lycium.

Albany thickets

Finally the shrubland in mountain valleys to the northwest consists of predominantly the succulent (Portulacaria afra) along with Jade plant (Crassula ovata), the boxthorn (Lycium austrinum), Jacketplum (Pappea capensis), Euclea undulata, Rhigozum obovatum, Aloes and Schotia afra.

see also