
unusual facts about Lycurgus

Johann Georg Baiter

He edited Isocrates, Panegyricus (1831); with Sauppe, Lycurgus, Leocralca (1834) and Oratores Atticae (1838–1850); with Orelli and Winckelmann, a critical edition of Plato (1839–1842), which marked a distinct advance in the text, two new manuscripts being laid under contribution; with Orelli, Babrius, Fabellae Iambicae nuper repertae (1845); Isocrates, in the Didot collection of classics (1846).

Charaxes mycerina

Very similar to Charaxes doubledayi and similar to other members of the lycurgus group but forewing upperside without marginal marks.Hindwing with almost contiguous blue marginal lines.


Philon, Athenian architect of the 4th century BC, is known as the planner of two important works: the portico of twelve Doric columns to the great Hall of the Mysteries at Eleusis (work commissioned by Demetrius Phalereus about 318 BC) and, under the administration of Lycurgus, an arsenal at Athens.


Greek mythology is replete with Thracian kings, including Diomedes, Tereus, Lycurgus, Phineus, Tegyrius, Eumolpus, Polymnestor, Poltys, and Oeagrus (father of Orpheus).

see also