After years of exchanging advice and notes with fellow historian Lyman Draper, Ramsey published the 700-plus page Annals in 1853.
The most famous personal papers in the Draper Collection include those of Daniel Boone, George Rogers Clark, Thomas S. Hinde, John Donelson, James Robertson, Joseph Martin (General), and Simon Kenton.
Kevin Lyman | John Draper | George Lyman Kittredge | Sharon Draper | Mary Draper Ingles | Lyman J. Gage | Lyman Beecher | James Lyman | John William Draper | Eden Taylor-Draper | Draper, Utah | Draper | Don Draper | Dave Draper | Mel Lyman | Lyman, Wyoming | Lyman Page | Draper Fisher Jurvetson | William Draper | Ruth Draper | Richard Wall Lyman | Lyman Spitzer | Lyman E. Johnson | Lyman | John Goodwin Lyman | Henry Lyman | Henry Draper Medal | draper | Betty Draper | Amasa Lyman |