Produced by Toby Gendron in collaboration with Rick Haworth, it contained 11 songs written by Drapeau himself, with three co-written with Roger Tabra and "Il rêvait" with Lynda Lemay.
Lynda Barry | Lynda Bellingham | Lynda Carter | Lynda Benglis | Lynda La Plante | Lynda Wiesmeier | Lynda Thomas | Lynda Baron | Harding Lemay | Curtis LeMay | Susan "Daisy" Lemay | Philippe Lemay | Lynda Williams | Lynda Weinman | Lynda Voltz | Lynda Schlegel-Culver | Lynda Lovejoy | Lynda Lopez | Lynda Lemay | Lynda Laurence | Lynda Hull | Lynda Goodfriend | Lynda Chalker, Baroness Chalker of Wallasey | Lynda Chalker | Lynda Bird Johnson Robb | Lynda Barnes | Lemay, Missouri | Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge |