
unusual facts about Lysippos


but also there is understood to have been a market for replicas of his work which was supplied also from outside his circle already in his own lifetime and also later in the Hellenistic and Roman periods.


Lysippos |


1.92m long, the statue is currently thought to be a Hellenistic copy of Lysippos’ Apoxyomenos from the second or first century BCE; it is conserved in Zagreb's Mimara Museum as the Croatian Apoxyomenos (illustration, left).

Dresden Academy of Fine Arts

On the side of the building facing the Elbe, the names of Pheidias, Iktinos, Praxiteles, Polykleitos, Lysippos, Erwin von Steinbach, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Dürer are inscribed on the wall and on the other side the motto "DEM VATERLAND ZU ZIER UND EHR" - "For the Honour and Adornment of the Fatherland" - is inscribed.

Montagne del Morrone

Here it was found a small statue of Hercules resting, considered by some an original by Lysippos (now in the Archaeological Museum of Chieti).

see also