
unusual facts about MDC-T


MDC | MDC (band) |

2008–09 Zimbabwean political negotiations

Also on 16 July, the pro-MDC Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions condemned the second round and urged the appointment of a prominent AU envoy to assist in mediation.

Alaric Tay

A student of the late John Spencer, and a former artiste of the Singapore Armed Forces Music and Drama Company (SAF MDC), Tay is an active member of the entertainment community.

Amos Midzi

He ran as the ZANU-PF candidate for Mayor of Harare, the capital, in March 2002, but was defeated by Elias Mudzuri of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).

Asadabad District

By 2002, all of the district except Sakai and Gira villages had been de-mined by MDC.

Buhera South

The ZANU (PF) heavyweight Kumbirai Kangai was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Buhera South from 1980 to 2008 when Naison Nemadziwa of the MDC-T took over after beating ZANU (PF)'s militant Joseph Chinotimba in the March 2008 harmonized elections.

Collen Gwiyo

In 2008, he contested the Zengeza East constituency in the House of Assembly for the MDC-Tsvangirai faction, defeating Arthur Mutambara (the head of a rival faction of the MDC who remerged his faction with Tsvangirai's after the first round of the presidential election), ZANU-PF candidate Patrick Nyaruwata, and UPP candidate Simba Maxwell.

Dave Dictor

He spent a period of time living in Montana before moving to Austin, Texas, where he formed a band called the Stains that later evolved into MDC.

Dictor also had a confrontation with Bad Brains over their homophobia directed at Randy Turner of Big Boys, which resulted in the MDC song Pay to Come Along.

David Anthony Chimhini

In March 2008 Hon Chimhini contested the Mutasa North seat under the MDC and won comfortably with 10,000 votes against 4,000 votes for Major-General Mike Nyambuya who was then Minister of transport and energy and represented Zanu PF.

Gibson Sibanda

He stood as a candidate for the post of President of the Senate on August 25, 2008, and he was backed by both MDC factions, but was defeated by ZANU-PF candidate Edna Madzongwe, receiving 28 votes against 58 votes for Madzongwe.

Human rights in Zimbabwe

The Opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), led by Morgan Tsvangirai, won both the parliamentary election and the first round of the presidential, sparking a run-off in a latter.

Opposition gatherings are frequently the subject of brutal attacks by the police force, such as the crackdown on a March 11, 2007 Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) rally.

Mayor of Marlborough

The Mayor of Marlborough officiates over the Marlborough District of New Zealand, which is administered by the Marlborough District Council (MDC), with Blenheim as its main town.


Vertex Standard manufactures OEM add-on boards for their mobile and portable Land Mobile Radios that support MDC-1200 ANI (or PTT ID).

Media of Zimbabwe

After a power sharing deal was agreed by Zanu PF and the opposition MDC in February 2009, Morgan Tsvangirai announced he was to "democratise" the state media and repeal many strict laws in order for the media to have a more meaningful role in the rebuilding of the country.

Model dwellings company

The middle of the century saw the peak in MDC building, with around twenty-eight separate companies operating in London prior to the 1875 Cross Act.

Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai

Felix Magalela Mafa Sibanda, MDC Provincial Spokesperson and Member of Parliament for Magwegwe Bulawayo

Muchadeyi Masunda

A prominent businessman and lawyer, Masunda was elected unanimously by the Harare council on 2 July 2008 for a five-year term after Emmanuel Chiroto, an MDC member who was previously elected executive mayor by the MDC-majority council on 15 June, voluntarily stood down from the mayoralty and accepted the position of deputy mayor, after allegations that his wife was captured and tortured by Zanu-PF youth.

Masunda is the first non-MDC member to take office as mayor since before the election of Elias Mudzuri in 2002, and chooses not to be associated with any political party.

Naison Ndlovu

Ndlovu served as the ZAPU (and subsequently ZANU-PF) member of parliament for Insiza from 1985 until he lost the seat to the MDC in 2000.

Parliament of Zimbabwe

ZANU-PF (41)
MDC-T (24)
MDC-Mutambara (6)


Politically motivated bands such as MDC and 7 Seconds in the U.S. were also introducing anti-homophobia messages into their songs at this time and , in a more personal vein, bands such as the Nip Drivers were including songs such as "Quentin", dedicated to Quentin Crisp, on their albums.

Raila Doctrine

Another Example is Morgan Tsvangirai who is the leader of the Movement for Democratic Change - Tsvangirai (MDC-T).

Really Red

They often shared the bill with other such pioneering acts as D.O.A., The Dicks, Circle Jerks, The Offenders, 999, The Lewd, Articles of Faith, Mydolls, SPK, Negative Approach, Sado Nation, MDC, Vex, Culturcide, The Bad Brains, The Effigies, The Big Boys and The Dead Kennedys among many others.

Sekesai Makwavarara

During her tenure of service for the Mabvuku city council she served under deputy mayor Elias Mudzuri until she was appointed as acting mayor following the forced deposition of Mudzuri by the national government.After the MDC party launched a probe which identified her as being corrupt she rejoined the ZANU-PF.

Simbarashe Mumbengegwi

When the ZANU-PF–MDC national unity government was sworn in on 13 February 2009, Mumbengegwi was retained as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Tendai Biti

He was arrested in 2007 with many others, including MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai, after a prayer rally in the Harare township of Highfield.

The Anthrax

Among the many influential bands that frequented the establishment were Black Flag, 7 Seconds, MDC, Descendents, Government Issue, NOFX, Die Kreuzen and Dag Nasty.

The Hugh Beaumont Experience

Formed in 1980 by members of the private school, Fort Worth Country Day School, in Fort Worth, they toured throughout Texas in 1981-82, including dates with MDC and The Dead Kennedys.

The Lead

The bands they played with, either as openers or headliners, included Suicidal Tendencies, DRI, MDC, Marginal Man, Cynic, Bloodgood, the Crucified, Believer, Whitecross, One Bad Pig, Deliverance, Vengeance Rising, and Crashdog.

Zimbabwean parliamentary election, 2000

# GOROMONZI: Herbert Murerwa (ZANU (PF)) 14,459; Leonard Chiutsi Mapuranga (MDC) 9,489; David Chikaka (Ind MDC) 1,102; Nyembesi Musanduri (UP) 319.

# CHINHOYI: Phillip Chiyangwa (ZANU (PF)) 8,176; Silas Matamisa (MDC) 7,602; Eugene Nyahundi (UP) 99.

Zimbabwean parliamentary election, 2005

In some notable local results, Emmerson Mnangagwa, speaker of the previous parliament, and tipped at one time to succeed Mugabe but recently fallen from grace, lost his seat Kwe-kwe to the MDC's Blessing Chebundo.

see also