Subsequent US spacecraft used the GPHS-RTG which used similar SiGe thermoelectic devices but a different packaging of the fuel.
Capable of preventing unauthorized IM connections and stopping peer-to-peer (P2P) filesharing on sites such as KaZaA, Grokster and Morpheus, Real Time Guardian (RTG) identified and controlled access to the growing number of applications that traversed the network without the IT department’s knowledge.
GPHSs of this, or very similar, design were used in the GPHS-RTGs of Cassini-Huygens, New Horizons, the Galileo probe, and the Ulysses probe.
Note that the GPHS are cuboid although they contain cylindrical plutonium based pellets.
GPHS-RTG or General Purpose Heat Source — Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator, is a specific design of the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RTG) used on US space missions.
This same RTG power technology has been used in spacecraft such as Voyager 1 and 2, Cassini–Huygens and New Horizons, and in other devices, such as the Mars Science Laboratory,