
unusual facts about MIMO


"Space-Division Multiple Access", a channel access method used in communication (for instance in MIMO technology)



50 Biscayne

The tower's architecture is based on the Miami Modern (abbreviated as MiMo) style, and has many design features that pay tribute to landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx's emphasis on natural aesthetics seen along the bay.

Bird Technologies

X-COM's latest version Spectro-X 4.0, lets users visualize and analyze up to four recorded RF and microwave spectrum files at the same time making it a valuable tool for system and test engineers developing and analyzing the performance of radar, ELINT, SIGINT, ECM, ESM, multi-channel communications, telemetry, and MIMO systems, or for characterizing and testing conventional and AESA radar systems.

IEEE 802.11ac

“Space Division Multiple Access” (SDMA): streams not separated by frequency, but instead resolved spatially, analogous to 11n-style MIMO

João Botelho

Quem És Tu? (2001) "?title=Venice Film Festival">Venice Film Festival, official selection, competition; Mimo Rotella Award for Best Artistic Contribution in Venice Biennale

Multi-user MIMO

SDMA: Enabling MU-MIMO, network MIMO (CoMP), and remote radio equipments


The 802.16 specification supports the Multiple-input and single-output (MISO) technique of Transmit Diversity, which is commonly referred to Space Time Code (STC).

Another MIMO-related technique that can be used in WiMAX systems, but which is outside of the scope of the 802.16 specification, is known as Cyclic Delay Diversity.

see also