
5 unusual facts about MSML

Dialogic Inc.

Media server products include Dialogic Host Media Processing (HMP), with MSML capability, and two appliance products: IP Media Server and Vision VX Gateway, using open standards like VoiceXML, CCXML, MSCML and SIP.

Media server

Protocols such as Netann, MSCML and MSML have been created for this way of working, and a new protocol, MediaCTRL is under development at the IETF.


MSML was originally created by Convedia (now part of RadiSys), and is an open standard, meaning that companies can use the technology without licensing intellectual property.

The fundamental model with MSML is that the Media Server is an appliance that is specialized in controlling/manipulating media streams (usually RTP), and the application server is a separate unit that deals with making and breaking call connections, and controlling the application (or business) logic, so for example the application server would deal with the billing engine and logging systems.

The application server establishes a control 'tunnel' (through SIP or IP), which it uses to exchange requests/responses with the media server.



see also