Comandante generale (commandant general), in Fascist Italy's MVSN, was the title of the head of the Blackshirts, held by Benito Mussolini from 1922 to 1943.
Mussolini sympathised with them, claiming he shared their war experiences, hence they joined the Fasci, eventually becoming the MVSN.
Some observers have argued that links between the senior army command and remnants of the MVSN have paralyzed reforms in Haiti's judicial system.
After 1986 the armed forces failed to reestablish a nationwide police force and to subdue the MVSN and other vigilante groups.
Of the remaining approximately 810,000 (of which 58,000 were caught in France, 321,000 in Italy and 430,000 in the Balkans), more than 13,000 lost their lives during the transportation from the Greek islands to the mainland and 94,000, including almost all of the Blackshirts of MVSN, decided immediately to accept the offer to fight alongside the Germans.
He gave up active duty in 1936, but was reactivated in 1941, when he was assigned as commander of the XII MVSN Zone, and Bari province.