
unusual facts about Macchi

Aurelio Macchi

Macchi's work was primarily displayed in the United States and Europe, but also the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires incorporated one of his work, only four years before his death.

Passignano sul Trasimeno

SAI was involved mainly with Macchi during World War II, although Eleuteri was also used as a test center for the Ambrosini SS.4.

Reality undone

Participating artists also include neon-sculptor Ivan Navarro, photographer Chema Madoz, conceptual surrealist Jorge Macchi, and the duo of photographers Frode Fjerdingstad and Marcus Palmqvist.


Oskar Bider was killed in an anccident before the ambitious project was realized, but from Zürichhorn respectively (as of today) the area of the Strandbad Tiefenbrunnen (lido) the Swiss airline Ad Astra Aero operated with seaplanes, among them seven Macchi-Nieuport and five Savoia flying boats and the first large flying boat, Dornier Wal.

see also