
unusual facts about Machiavelli

Cappel family

Among those who remained Catholic should be mentioned Guillaume, the translator of Machiavelli.

Castruccio Castracani

It was made later in his life than some of Machiavelli's more well known works and is thought by some commentators such as Leo Strauss to be significant for the understanding of Machiavelli's political philosophy.

Dirty hands

Sissela Bok writes that Machiavelli maintains in The Prince that rulers who cling to moral principles in order to avoid dirty hands, no matter the cost, are weak and invariably end up defeated, a view opposed by Erasmus and Kant.


Discourses on Livy (Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio), a book by Machiavelli


Djambi (also described as "Machiavelli's chessboard") is a board game and a chess variant for four players, invented by Jean Anesto in 1975.

Hiero II of Syracuse

In The Prince (VI), Machiavelli cites Hiero as an exceptionally virtuous man and a rare example of someone who rose to princehood from private station, comparing him to Moses, Cyrus, Theseus,and Romulus.

Igor Škamperle

He studied and wrote about the political thought of Machiavelli, the historical epistemology of Alexandre Koyré and various religious manifestations such as shamanism.

Mad Monster Party?

Frankenstein has his zombie butler Yetch (Swift impersonating Peter Lorre), Chef Mafia Machiavelli, and the zombie servants make preparations for his party.

Man and Society

Man and Society (full title: Man & Society. A Critical Examination of Some Important Social & Political Theories from Machiavelli to Marx) is a 1963 book by the academic John Plamenatz.

Mark Musa

Mr. Musa has also translated and edited The Portable Dante and, with Peter Bondanella, The Portable Machiavelli, both published with Penguin Books.

Mark Nottingham

He included Machiavelli's The Prince among the books to read: "It's short, sweet (well, not really) and gets you in the proper frame of mind for doing battle, er, gathering consensus," he quipped.

Oliverotto Euffreducci

As with Agathocles of Greece, he is immortalised in Machiavelli's The Prince as one of the leaders who gained power via criminal means.

Telemaco Signorini

The following year he exhibited for the first time, showing paintings inspired by the works of Walter Scott and Machiavelli at the Florentine Promotrice.

The Night Letter

The Night Letter is a 1978 book by Paul Spike, with a double-layered structure: an anti-Nazi spy thriller on the background of the early part of the Second World War, and an exposure of cynical and machiavellian maneuverings in the American corridors of power.


Francesco Vettori, (1474-1539), correspondent of Niccolo Machiavelli

see also