
4 unusual facts about Macondo

Gulf killifish

The Gulf killifish, (Fundulus grandis) is currently being used to test the effects of oil and oil dispersants, specifically Macondo 252 crude oil and Corexit 9500, on the physiology of marine species affected by these substances.


Popular Russian rock band Bi-2 released as part of their 2006 album "Milk" ("Молоко") a song called "Macondo" ("Макондо").

Miguel de la Espriella

The paintings for which he is best known are most often an integration of still lifes and landscapes with a strong "ethereal" presence related to the Latin American school of magic realism and reminiscent of the land in which Macondo, the imaginary town written about in "100 Years of Solitude" by García Márquez the winner of the 1982 Nobel Prize in Literature, could have been set.

Tim Buendía

Aracataca is the birthplace of Gabriel García Márquez (affectionately known as Gabo), and is the inspiration for the fictional town of Macondo.


Macondo |

Blowout preventer

Documents discussed during congressional hearings June 17, 2010, suggested that a battery in the device's control pod was flat and that the rig's owner, Transocean, may have "modified" Cameron's equipment for the Macondo site (including incorrectly routing hydraulic pressure to a stack test valve instead of a pipe ram BOP) which increased the risk of BOP failure, in spite of warnings from their contractor to that effect.

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