
unusual facts about Macromedia Flash

Adobe Engagement Platform

The Adobe Engagement Platform was the announced name of the product line resulting from the merger of Macromedia Flash with Adobe Acrobat.

Adobe LiveMotion

Adobe LiveMotion was a product created by Adobe Systems released in 2000 and perceived as a direct competitor to Macromedia Flash.

Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music

Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music (often referred to as just Ishkur's Guide) is an online Flash-driven guide to electronic music created by Kenneth John Taylor of British Columbia.

Lynda Weinman

The Flashforward Conference was the first event focused on Macromedia Flash, and fourteen events were held in San Francisco, New York, London, and Amsterdam, serving more than 20,000 attendees over six years.

Octatron SkySeer

The ground station's recorder can store up to twenty hours of high-quality MPEG-2 format video which can then be transferred to DVD or Macromedia Flash.

Starship Regulars

Starship Regulars was an animated Macromedia Flash cartoon series created by Simpsons producer Rob LaZebnik for Icebox in 1999.

see also

Oleg Kuvaev

Kuvaev worked as a designer in several studios, in "computer gaming" industry as 3D animator and modeler, as web-designer, even java-programmer, in his free time experimenting with various computer technologies including freshly appearing vector animation (macromedia flash).