
5 unusual facts about The Flash Girls

Emma Bull

She sang in the rock-funk band Cats Laughing, and both sang and played guitar in the folk duo The Flash Girls while living in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Sovereign Seven

The Coffee house is run by supporting characters Violet Smith and Pansy Jones, comic-book counterparts of the musical alter-egos of Emma Bull and Lorraine Garland - The Flash Girls - of whom Claremont is a fan.

The Flash Girls

Pansy Smith and Violet Jones became characters in the DC Comics series Sovereign Seven, where they run a coffee shop.

These songs are mixed in with their own original works, traditional songs such as Star of the County Down and Lily of the West, as well as poems put to music, including works by Dorothy Parker and A.A. Milne.

Both The Flash Girls and Bull's former group, Cats Laughing, have been mentioned in Shetterly's stories for the fantasy fiction shared universe Borderland.

see also