David Pepose, reviewing Zullo's work on Madame Xanadu #26 for Newsarama, praised her work on that issue, stating that "her style could not be more suitable for the pure emotion this tale evokes".
Madame Bovary | Madame Aema | Madame de Pompadour | Madame Tussauds | Project Xanadu | Madame Defarge | La fille de Madame Angot | Portrait of Madame X | La Souriante Madame Beudet | Madame | Madame Sanctity | Madame Nhu | Madame Fatal | I Kiss Your Hand, Madame | Xanadu Beach Resort & Marina | The Trial of Madame X | Spader, Madame! | Portrait of Madame RĂ©camier | Madame Xanadu | Madame X | Madame Web | Madame's Place | Madame Royale | Madame Restell | Madame Nguyen Van Thieu | Madame Nguyen Cao Ky | Madame Huarui | Madame Guillotine | Madame George | Madame Fanny La Fan |