The WiiWare version of Magnetica supports up to four players simultaneously in either co-operative or competitive multiplayer modes, in addition to the ability to use the player's own Miis in the game.
Although a faithful Catholic, he incurred the suspicion of the Church by his tract De magnetica vulnerum curatione (1621), against Jean Roberti, which was thought to derogate from some of the miracles.
In the case of Della Porta we are facing a blatant plagiarism, as was already remarked by Niccolò Cabeo (Philosophia Magnetica, Praefatio ad lectorem) and Niccolò Zucchi (Philosophia magnetica…, fols. 62v-63r).
On 21 December 1990, the band's first album, Solstitii Temporis Sensus was released on the independent label Musica Maxima Magnetica (already label of Sleep Chamber, Vasilisk and numerous other artists).
Big Brain Academy and Magnetica became the first US titles to have the designation, when they were released on June 5, 2006, followed on June 26, 2006 by Sudoku Gridmaster.