He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and served March 4, 1933, to January 3, 1935, in the 73rd congress, winning one of the general ticket seats.
Johnson served in the Senate from July 16, 1923, to March 4, 1925, in the 68th congress.
Lyndon B. Johnson | Samuel Johnson | Johnson & Johnson | Dwayne Johnson | Boris Johnson | Johnson | Andrew Johnson | Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center | Magic Johnson | Robert Johnson | James Weldon Johnson | Jack Johnson | Kevin Johnson | Jimmie Johnson | Don Johnson | Randy Johnson | Betsey Johnson | Lionel Johnson | Holly Johnson | Van Johnson | Molly Johnson | Hans Magnus Enzensberger | Amy Johnson | Albertus Magnus | Glen Johnson | Gary Johnson | Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson | David Johnson | Robert Johnson (musician) | Rida Johnson Young |