
unusual facts about Magyar Televízió

Magyar Televízió

The old headquarters can be reached by a five minutes walk from Kossuth tér where Metro line 2 stops.

Duna TV

In 2010, Duna TV tried to become a full member of the EBU to send a Hungarian representative for the Eurovision Song Contest, after MTV withdrew because of financial reasons.

Dusán Mukics

He studied on the University of Ljubljana, works at the Hungarian Television as a reporter of the gentilitial line-up Slovenski utrinki, and as a reporter of the newspaper Porabje.

Pál Szécsi

In consulting Benk, László Bánki (a talent-scout working at the National Television in search of young talent for the upcoming Táncdalfesztivál) was recommended Benk's favorite student, Szécsi.

see also