
4 unusual facts about Mahdi Ali

Al-Mahdi Ali

In the presence of a numerous congregation of Zaidi scholars, he adopted the title al-Mahdi Ali and took possession of Sa'dah and Dhamar.

Ali bin Muhammad al-Hosni was born in the village al-Ahani in the Sa'dah area in northern Yemen.

Under these circumstances, Ali rose to power from his base in the mountain fortress Thula in 1349.

Mahdi Ali

After his playing days, Ali attended the HCT – Dubai Men's College where he graduated as an electrical engineer and later assisted in the design of the Dubai Metro.

Al-Nasir Muhammad Salah al-Din

About the middle of the century, his father Ali al-Mahdi ibn Muhammad attained considerable influence, which was however reduced before his death in Dhamar in 1372.

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