The remaining offensive aircraft—the Bristol Blenheim, Lockheed Hudson light bombers and very specially the Vickers Vildebeest torpedo bombers—were considered obsolete for the European theater of operations.
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At the end of World War II, the 4th Hussars served in the Malayan Campaign before deploying to Germany and amalgamating with the 8th Hussars at Hohne in 1958.
In Perak, Davies and Lim reestablished contact with Major Freddie Chapman, who was part of a British unit that stayed behind after the Malayan Campaign, carrying out small-scale attacks against the Japanese during the Japanese occupation of Malaya.
The book is divided into seven chapters, respectively covering Chenevix-Trench's ancestry and early childhood, his education at Shrewsbury School and Christ Church, Oxford, his military service in the Malayan Campaign during the Second World War, and his successive spells of teaching at Shrewsbury, Bradfield, Eton and Fettes.