
unusual facts about Mallacoota

Glossy Black Cockatoo

lathami: (Rare) The eastern subspecies found between southeastern Queensland and Mallacoota in Victoria, with isolated pockets in Eungella in central Queensland and the Riverina and Pilliga forest.

Diocese of Gippsland

The Anglican Diocese of Gippsland is located in the Gippsland region of Victoria, Australia, extending from Phillip Island to Mallacoota.

Geology of Victoria

The largest faults separate rocks with different ages and structural histories, and subdivide Victoria into three main structural rankings consisting of twofold belts (Delamerian and Lachlan), two terranes in the Lachlan Fold Belt (Whitelaw and Benambra), and ten structural zones (Glenelg, Grampians-Stavely, Stawell, Bendigo, Melbourne, Tabberabbera, Omeo, Deddick, Kuark, Mallacoota).

see also