The cast includes Jason Babinsky, Justin Vivian Bond as Widow Begbik, Gibson Frazier, Martin Moran, Steven Skybell, Stephen Spinella, Ching Valdes-Aran as Mr. Wang, Allan K. Washington and Andrew Weems.
Among them are Man Equals Man, Cymbeline and The Marriage of Figaro.
Opposed to the focus on individual emotional experience in expressionist art, Brecht began a collaborative method to play production, starting with his Man Equals Man project.
Spider-Man | Isle of Man | Man Ray | Iron Man | The Six Million Dollar Man | The Music Man | The Third Man | The Invisible Man | Isle of Man TT | Half Man Half Biscuit | World's Strongest Man | The Man from U.N.C.L.E. | Rain Man | MAN SE | Burning Man | Pac-Man | Beenie Man | Man Booker Prize | Douglas, Isle of Man | Mega Man | The Man Who Came to Dinner | The Amazing Spider-Man | Man of La Mancha | The Old Man and the Sea | Spider-Man (2002 film) | Cinderella Man | Blue Man Group | Ultimate Spider-Man | The Man with the Golden Gun (film) | Spider-Man 2 |