C. w. woollgari has been found with Mammites depressus at the top of the lower shale tongue and lowermost overlying Tres Hermanos sandstone member of the Mancos Shale in New Mexico, in a shale bed at the top of the Greenhorn Formation in Colorado, and alone in sandstone and shale in the upper Frontier Formation in Wyoming.
Mancos, Colorado | Burgess Shale | Shale Niskin | shale gas | Peninsula Shale Renosterveld | oil shale | Mancos Shale | Mancos | Taltheilei Shale Tradition | Oil shale | Kerry Shale | Haynesville Shale | Emu Bay Shale | Ashfield Shale | 2012–14 Romanian protests against shale gas |
The settlement was known as Blue Valley for its blue-gray soil, colored by Bentonite clay and Mancos Shale.