
unusual facts about Mango trees

Bandaara Kilhi

Bounded by dense vegetations of mainly ferns, Screwpine, tropical almond, cheese fruit, Banana trees, coconut palms and taro fields plus Mango trees as well to an extent, among the creatures which inhabit the lakeside are the Common Moorhen which is a bird exclusively found in Fuvahmulah only in the Maldivian archipelago and Maldivian White-breasted Waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus maldivus) which is an endemic species of the Maldives.

see also

Ambazari Lake

This lake was surrounded by mango trees, gaining the name Ambazari as Amba means in Mango in Marathi.


As B1A4 hosted their first solo concert, BABA B1A4, fans from all over the world sent gifts and donations to B1A4, measuring up to approximately 2 tons of rice, 2,356 coal briquettes, 300 eggs, 300 kg of pet food, and 10 mango trees.


Mango (amba) is one of the most important crops of this village and mango trees occupy about 60 percent of land used to cultivate fruit.

Fruit tree forms

A study on orchard mango trees in Nelspruit, South Africa, compared open vase, closed vase, central leader, palmette and standard pruning systems and recommended a modified pyramid, somewhere between a central leader and a closed vase system, for high-density mango orchards.


Some species of Loranthus, in the broad sense, are troublesome parasites, for example they occur in Kerala India as a menace on mango trees (Mangifera indica), a majority of the Anogeissus latifolia trees in the Biligirirangan Hills of Karnataka are infected by Loranthus sp.