
unusual facts about Screwpine


Bandaara Kilhi

Bounded by dense vegetations of mainly ferns, Screwpine, tropical almond, cheese fruit, Banana trees, coconut palms and taro fields plus Mango trees as well to an extent, among the creatures which inhabit the lakeside are the Common Moorhen which is a bird exclusively found in Fuvahmulah only in the Maldivian archipelago and Maldivian White-breasted Waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus maldivus) which is an endemic species of the Maldives.

Megacrania batesii

The Peppermint Stick Insect (Megacrania batesii) is a bluish-green coloured stick insect that only lives on the midribs of the leaves of the "screwpine" Pandanus tectorius.

P. utilis

Pandanus utilis, the common screwpine, a tropical tree species native to Madagascar and Mauritius

see also