
3 unusual facts about Manilkara


It is collected from several species of Mesoamerican trees in the Manilkara genus, including M. zapota, M. chicle, M. staminodella, and M. bidentata.

Eucosmophora manilkarae

The specific name is derived from the generic name, Manilkara, one of two principal larval hosts.

Sokoke Scops Owl

The greatest population of this species of owl is in the Cynometra-Manilkara forest, which is less than one-third of the Sokoke forest.


Manilkara bidentata - one of the common names for a species of Manilkara tree based in northern South America, Central America and the Caribbean.

Mount Sage National Park

Other flora found within the park are: Guavaberry, large patches of moss, epiphytes or air plants, Elephant Ear Vine (Philodendron), Fig Tree, White "Cedar" (not actually a cedar but a flowering tree, Tabebuia heterophylla), a West Indian species of tree fern, manilkara, and mountain guava (Psidium amplexicaule).

Wildlife of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Trees in the seasonally flooded forests include species of Garcinia and Manilkara.

see also