
2 unusual facts about Mann Gulch fire

Mann Gulch fire

Several factors that combined to create the disaster are described in Norman MacLean's book Young Men and Fire.

University of Chicago English professor and author Norman Maclean (1902–1990) researched the fire and its behavior for his book, Young Men and Fire (1992) which was published after his death.

Helena National Forest

The forest was the site of the 1949 Mann Gulch fire, which claimed the lives of 13 firefighters and which was the subject of both Norman Maclean's book Young Men and Fire and James Keelaghan's folk song "Cold Missouri Waters."

John Norman Maclean

The book, a collection of stories and essays, chronicles the 1953 Rattlesnake Fire on the Mendocino National Forest in northern California, the 1999 Sadler Fire in Nevada, and the 1949 Mann Gulch Fire in Montana.

see also