
2 unusual facts about Mannheim 1914 chess tournament

Mannheim 1914 chess tournament

The second winner group was won by Nikoly Rudnev (Kharkov, Ukraine), 7 (out of 8) points, followed by Józef Dominik (Cracow, Poland, 6), Max Lange (Berlin, Germany), 5) − not related to Max Lange −, Asch (4½) (Austria), M. Gargulak (Husovice near Brno, Moravia), and Heinrich Wagner (both 4), A.N. Hallgarten (3), K. Pahl (2) (all from Germany), and Anton Olson (½) (Sweden).

The tournament took place in the "Ballhaus", a building situated in the Mannheim Palace garden area.

Wilhelm Hilse

He tied for 12-13th at Coburg 1904 (DSB Congress, Hauptturnier A, Augustin Neumann won), shared 1st at Bremen 1906 (Quadrangular), took 4th at Hannover 1907 (Quadrangular), won at Barmbek 1911 (Quadrangular), and took 13th at Mannheim 1914 (DSB-Congress, Hauptturnier A, B. Hallegua won).

see also