
3 unusual facts about Maranta

Bartolomeo Maranta

:For other uses of this name, see Maranta.

Chorrera culture

Crops cultivated by Chorrera people include achira (Canna), arrowroot (Maranta), corn (Zea mays), common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), as well as gourds and squash (Cucurbitaceae).


In author citation (botany), Maranta is Bartolomeo Maranta, the 16th century botanist for whom the Marantaceae are named and also a literary theorist

Barry Maranta

By 1984 Maranta had been active in property development in Queensland for over fifteen years and was closely associated in business with former test cricketer and prominent Brisbane businessman, Greg Chappell.

However the Maranta-Morgan group did not please everybody, especially Australian Rugby League chairman Ken Arthurson, who decided to add other (now defunct) Queensland-based teams, Gold Coast for the 1988 season and the South Queensland Crushers in 1995 season.

Ron McAuliffe, had the support of the NSWRL over the Maranta-Morgan group, other groups included 'International Syndicate' led by John Sattler and Bob Hagan, and one by Darryl van der Velde (who would later be CEO of the South Queensland Crushers).

Bartolomeo Maranta

Among Maranta's most-referenced works is his treatise on antidotes to poisons, Della theriaca et del mithridato, in two volumes (1572).

But theriac was a controversial drug; in the 1570s, two physicians were expelled from the College of Physicians in Brescia for overprescribing it, and Maranta had to fend off criticism for substituting an ingredient in the formula.

Maranta leuconeura

Rosmarinic acid can be found in plants in the family Marantaceae such as Maranta leuconeura.


Rosmarinic acid can be found in plants in the family Marantaceae such as species in the genera Maranta (Maranta leuconeura, Maranta depressa) and Thalia (Thalia geniculata).

see also