EarthWeb is a science fiction novel written by author Marc Stiegler, and released in May, 1999 by publisher Baen Books.
Shortly after writing this article, he took over development of Project Xanadu, the hypertext system envisioned by Ted Nelson.
His sf book EarthWeb takes place in a future where computers have been secured from attack, the Web has evolved to largely supplant government as the underpinning fabric of human civilization, and idea futures are used to make decisions about important future events.
Marc Jacobs | Marc Chagall | Marc Anthony | Marc Ribot | Marc Almond | Marc Nelson | Marc Bolan | Jean-Marc Lofficier | Marc Cohn | Marc Connelly | Franz Marc | Marc Lavoine | Marc Garneau | Marc Quinn | Marc Newson | Marc Lazar | Marc Isambard Brunel | Marc Allégret | MARC Train | Marc Forster | Marc Blitzstein | Marc Bamuthi Joseph | Marc Augé | Marc-Antoine Charpentier | Marc | Marc Mellits | Marc LeBlanc | Marc Kudisch | Marc Ducret | Marc Daubert |