
unusual facts about Margaret of France, Queen of England

Philip IV of France

The outbreak of hostilities with England in 1294 was the inevitable result of the competitive expansionist monarchies, triggered by a secret Franco-Scottish pact of mutual assistance against Edward I, who was Philip's brother-in-law, having married Philip's sister Margaret; inconclusive campaigns for the control of Gascony to the southwest of France were fought in 1294–98 and 1300–03.


It is made from the timbers of the HMS Resolute, an abandoned British ship discovered by an American vessel and returned to the Queen of England as a token of friendship and goodwill.

Erina Mano

She's sent to Japan as a spy for the Queen of England, and ends up passing an idol audition, so she has trouble with her espionage duties.

Flower and Hawk

In her long life of eighty-two years she was born the Duchess of Aquitaine and Countess of Poitou, became Queen of France through marriage to Louis VII, and later became Queen of England when she married Henry II.

Margaret of France, Queen of England

Additionally, the English monarchy would regain the key city of Guienne and receive £15,000 owed to Margaret as well as the return of Eleanor of Castile's lands in Ponthieu and Montreuil as a dower first for Margaret, and then Isabella of France.

When Edward went on summer campaign to Scotland in 1307, Margaret accompanied him, but he died in Burgh by Sands.

Margaret of France, Queen of England and Hungary

Margaret was portrayed by Lucy Durham-Matthews (as a young girl) and Tracey Childs (as a teenager) in the 1978 BBC TV drama series The Devil's Crown, which dramatised the reigns of Henry II, Richard I and John.

Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst

The Queen of England has enlisted the character's help to solve the mystery behind the ghostly apparitions in and around Ravenhearst manor.

Pillar Box War

Some objected to this usage as the new Queen was in fact only the first Elizabeth to reign over the United Kingdom or indeed Great Britain, Elizabeth I having been solely the Queen of England.

Simon Boyleau

Boyleau had long had close ties with the court of Marguerite of Savoy, as evident from music he dedicated to Marguerite and her husband, Emanuele Filiberto, many years earlier; these ties helped him gain a post at Turin Cathedral in 1582.

A prolific composer of madrigals as well as sacred music, he was closely connected with the court of Marguerite of Savoy.

Yuval Semo

Among his characters on the show Semo impersonated political commentator Ehud Yaari, musician Mosh Ben-Ari, politician Isaac Herzog, leader of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah, Minister of Justice of Israel Daniel Friedmann, Israeli Attorney General Menachem Mazuz, Israeli politician Uri Orbach and the Queen of England.

see also