
5 unusual facts about Mariana Alcoforado

Mariana Alcoforado

For information about authorship and publication of the letters, see "Letters of a Portuguese Nun".

Sóror Mariana's life story has also been described in the novel by Katherine Vaz, Mariana, published by Aliform Publishing in 2005.

Debate continues as to whether Mariana was the real Portuguese author of the Letters of a Portuguese Nun (comprising five letters).

The Love Letters, a novel by Madeleine L'Engle, 1966 Farrar, Straus and Giroux, ISBN 0-87788-528-1.

In her recent book Letters of a Portuguese Nun: Uncovering the Mystery Behind a Seventeenth-Century Forbidden Love (2006), the author Myriam Cyr has attempted to reassert the attribution of the letters to the real Mariana Alcoforado.

see also