
3 unusual facts about Marie Bonaparte

Marie Bonaparte-Wyse

She went often to Turin, the kingdom's capital, where she established yet another salon at the Hôtel Feder.

She maintained friendships with Hugo, Sue, Dumas and others, including Lajos Kossuth, Alphonse de Lamartine, Félicité Robert de Lamennais, Henri Rochefort, Tony Revillon, and the United States minister to Sardinia, John Moncure Daniel.

In August 1853 Marie settled at Aix-les-Bains in Savoy, then part of the Kingdom of Sardinia, where her lover (Pommereu) built her a chalet that soon became the center of a new literary salon.

Andreas Embirikos

prologue in Marie Bonaparte's book The hidden necrophilia in the work of Edgar Poe, (Η λανθάνουσα νεκροφιλία στο έργο του Έδγαρ Πόε, 2000)

Princess X

"Princess X" is a sculptured rendering of the French princess, Marie Bonaparte, by the artist Constantin Brâncuși.

see also