
3 unusual facts about Marie Lesueur

Marie Lesueur

With her protector, the comte van Gobbelschroy, interior minister to William I, she set up home in the rural property (later known as the château Malou) he had acquired at Woluwe-Saint-Lambert near Brussels.

The daughter of Hébert Lesieur and Marie Calliaud, Lesieur made her debut at the Théâtre de Marseille in 1816, as a 'sujet de la danse'.

Mars Being Disarmed by Venus

Most of David's models for it were figures involved in the Théâtre de la Monnaie: Venus was modelled by the actress Marie Lesueur, Cupid by Lucien Petipa, Mars by a subscriber or 'abonné', and one of the Graces by the Prince of Orange's mistress.

see also