The early 1960s saw the rise of the Liverpool Sound, and Carter and Lewis recorded copies of the latest group hits and performed them for the BBC Light Programme's shows Easy Beat and Saturday Club; working with jazz musicians such as Marion Montgomery, Marion Ryan and session musicians such as Kenny Clare (drums) and Roy Deltrice (bass), under the direction of their music publisher Freddy Webb of Southern Music.
Paul Ryan | Ryan Seacrest | Marion | Ryan Gosling | Ryan Thomas | Ryan Adams | Meg Ryan | Saving Private Ryan | Ryan Giggs | Rex Ryan | Buddy Ryan | Ryan's Hope | Ryan Reynolds | Ryan O'Neal | Ryan McGinley | Nolan Ryan | Ryan Tedder | Ryan Phillippe | Marion Davies | Dan Ryan Expressway | Von Ryan's Express | Ryan Lavarnway | Marion County, Florida | Francis Marion | Ryan | Marion Zimmer Bradley | Marion, Ohio | Ryan Murphy | Ryan Agoncillo | Ryan Aeronautical |