Bounded by 18th Street to the north, Pershing Road to the south, the Union Pacific railroad tracks on the west and the Dan Ryan Expressway to the east, Armour Square has historically been the predominantly white, working-class neighborhood with a particularly significant population of both Italian-Americans and Croatian-Americans.
CTA red line stops at 79th St. and 87th St. are also available along the Dan Ryan Expressway in nearby Chatham.
The neighborhood encompasses the land between the Dan Ryan Expressway to the west, Martin Luther King, Jr.
It was to be connected with major Loop buildings and fringe parking areas around the Central Area and included a rapid transit link to the McCormick Place Convention Center and the proposed rapid transit route in the median of the Dan Ryan Expressway.
It is located in the Douglas community area and has an official address of 3300 South Federal Street and is roughly bounded by 31st Street, State Street, 35th Street and the Dan Ryan Expressway.
In 1963, it was announced by MacNaughton that Highway 401 would be widened from a four-lane highway to a collector-express system, modelled after the Dan Ryan Expressway in Chicago.
The Chicago Skyway borders South Chicago, running northwest towards the Dan Ryan Expressway and southeast towards Indiana.
The West Leg extension of the Dan Ryan Expressway, more commonly known as Interstate 57, cut through the southern half of the community, dividing the area and displacing several long-time residents.
Eventually the term Black Belt included the region from 39th Street to 95th Street between the Dan Ryan Expressway and Lake Michigan.
Dan Aykroyd | Steely Dan | Paul Ryan | Ryan Seacrest | Dan Quayle | Ryan Gosling | Ryan Thomas | Ryan Adams | Dan Rather | Meg Ryan | Dan Cruickshank | Saving Private Ryan | Ryan Giggs | Rex Ryan | Dan Brown | Buddy Ryan | Ryan's Hope | Ryan Reynolds | Ryan O'Neal | Ryan McGinley | Nolan Ryan | expressway | Dan Simmons | Dan Fogelberg | Ryan Tedder | Ryan Phillippe | Dan Abnett | England Dan & John Ford Coley | Dan Ryan Expressway | Dan Deacon |
The area east of the Dan Ryan Expressway (Interstate 57) and south of 142nd Street is in Illinois' 2nd congressional district, as are the area between 141st and 142nd Streets east of Wood Street and the area northeast of the Ashland Avenue-Thornton Road intersection; the rest of the village is in the 1st district.