The film starred Sissy Spacek, Tom Wilkinson, and Marisa Tomei, and was nominated for five Academy Awards – Best Picture, Actor in a Leading Role (Wilkinson), Actress in a Leading Role (Spacek), Actress in a Supporting Role (Tomei), and Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Published (Robert Festinger & Field).
In 1993, Earl released a new song "Blood From A Stone" which was recorded for and featured in the movie "Untamed Heart" starring Christian Slater and Marisa Tomei.
A film adaptation, starring Matthew McConaughey as Haller and Marisa Tomei as Maggie McPherson, was released on March 18, 2011.
During the 2007-2008 New York theatre season, Manhattan Theatre Club presented the play at the Biltmore Theatre in a production starring Mary Catherine Garrison, Mary Beth Hurt, Jennifer Ikeda, Elizabeth Marvel, Martha Plimpton, Ana Reeder, and Marisa Tomei.
Marisa Tomei | Marisa Monte | Marisa Miller | Marisa Mell | Marisa Pavan | Marisa Paredes | Marisa Galvany | Marisa Berenson | Marisa | Marisa (wrestler) | Marisa Rezende | Marisa Masullo | Marisa Marquez | Marisa Brunner |
“Salvation Boulevard” starred Oscar Winners Marisa Tomei and Jennifer Connolly in addition to A-List veterans Pierce Brosnan and Ed Harris.
George's obsession with Marisa Tomei makes Susan suspicious when she comes home and finds him on the couch watching My Cousin Vinny and again, later, when she finds him watching Only You (specifically, scenes in which Tomei is on screen).