Established by the leading naturalist and author Mark Cocker in collaboration with the eminent wildlife photographer David Tipling and the Natural history specialist, Jonathan Elphick, the Birds and People project is a new experiment in natural history and cultural anthropology.
Mark Twain | Joe Cocker | Mark | Mark Wahlberg | Mark Knopfler | Mark Zuckerberg | Mark Rothko | Mark Antony | Mark the Evangelist | Gospel of Mark | Mark Ronson | Mark Spitz | Mark Foley | Mark Murphy (singer) | Mark Murphy | Mark McGwire | Mark Hamill | Deutsche Mark | Mark Taper Forum | Mark Millar | Mark Lewisohn | Mark Kermode | Jarvis Cocker | Mark Lanegan | Mark Waugh | Mark Rydell | Mark Goodson | Mark Owen | Mark Mothersbaugh | Mark Medoff |