CBS is often noted as the birthplace of the "Mark Study", an in-depth inductive study of the Gospel of Mark.
The words attributed to Jesus on the bread and wine during the Last Supper (found in Mark, Paul, the Didache and arguably in John) and on divorce (found in Mark and Paul) are examples of sayings that are multiply attested.
He may have written a computistical manual, and a commentary on Mark.
His work broadened his interest into New Testament studies (particularly the Gospel of Mark) and he never wrote a large-scale church history as he had planned.
To promote religious awards within AHG, P.R.A.Y. offers a "Love God" rotational segment patch program for girl scouts and adults who memorize the Biblical verses Mark 12:29-31, attend or make a presentation about religious awards, then make a personal commitment to "love God".
This led him to an investigation into the liberative and humanizing potential of the original teachings of the historical Jesus (hence his preference for the Gospel of Mark) as well as of Indian traditions, particularly the tradition of religious dissent represented by the Buddha and the medieval Bhakti Movement.
These include the "Read, Mark, Learn" (RML) groups which either study the Gospel of Mark, the Epistle to the Romans or a Bible overview over the course of a year.
Jacob Snider, Jr.'s system, using rounded letters similar to Haüy's system, which was used in a publication of the Gospel of Mark in 1834, the first embossed book in the United States.
Mark Twain | Mark | Gospel of Matthew | Gospel of John | Mark Wahlberg | Gospel | gospel | Mark Knopfler | Mark Zuckerberg | Mark Rothko | Gospel of Luke | Mark Antony | Mark the Evangelist | Gospel of Mark | Mark Ronson | Gospel music | gospel music | Mark Spitz | Mark Foley | Mark Murphy (singer) | Mark Murphy | Mark McGwire | Mark Hamill | Deutsche Mark | Mark Taper Forum | Mark Millar | Mark Lewisohn | Mark Kermode | Mark Lanegan | Mark Waugh |
According to the Gospel of Mark 14:3 the perfume in his account was the purest of Spikenard.
Each Gospel of the Four Evangelists, the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, may be prefaced by a portrait of the Evangelist, usually occupying a full page.
2) Test the Urmarcus Hypothesis, which states that Matthew or Luke, or both, used an “edition” of Mark differing from, and presumably earlier than, the one included in the New Testament.
In 1857 he undertook with other scholars a Theologisch-homiletisches Bibelwerk, to which he contributed commentaries on the first four books of the Pentateuch, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew, Mark, Revelation.
Philosophy as Fiction deals with issues of self-knowledge, self-deception, and self-fashioning in Marcel Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu, while raising the question of what literary form contributes to an engagement with such questions; How to Do Things with Fictions discusses a series of texts (by Plato, Beckett, Mallarmé, and Mark) that function as training-grounds for the mental capacities.
The earliest reference to an analog of "two cents" appears in the lesson of the widow's mite in both the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Luke.
He worked as a Veps language teacher at the Šoutar’v school in 1987–89, he translated the booklet Iisusan elo (‘The Life of Jesus’) and the Gospel of Mark, and although neither was printed, this marked the beginning of Bible translation in the Veps language.
"Blind" Bartimaeus (Biblical), a person in the Gospel of Mark who is miraculously healed by Jesus
Under the two-source hypothesis, both the authors of the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke used the Gospel of Mark in their writings; therefore, triple-tradition material represents only a single source, Mark.
Mark 11 or Mark XI, the eleventh chapter of the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament of the Christian Bible
Mark 15 and Mark XV, the fifteenth chapter of the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament of the Christian Bible.
The Secret Gospel of Mark and the Synoptic Problem examines how the Secret Gospel of Mark, said to have been discovered by Morton Smith, relates to the Synoptic Gospels.