
unusual facts about Mark Leno

Domestic partnership in California

This bill, introduced by Assemblymembers Jackie Goldberg, Christine Kehoe, Paul Koretz, John Laird, and Mark Leno, created the presumption that domestic partners were to have all of the rights and responsibilities afforded spouses under state law.

Earned Assets Resource Network

EARN was founded in 2001 by a group of prominent individuals and organizations, including financier F. Warren Hellman, California State Senator Mark Leno, Bob Friedman, former Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and San Francisco County Supervisor Roberta Achtenberg, and Saundra Hernandez, CEO of the San Francisco Foundation.

key people = Co-founders are F. Warren Hellman, California State Senator Mark Leno, Bob Friedman, former Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, San Francisco County Supervisor Roberta Achtenberg, Saundra Hernandez, CEO of the San Francisco Foundation and Ben Mangan, EARN’s current President and CEO, is also a co-founder of the organization.

How Weird Street Faire

Some of the speakers who have talked about technology and peace include R. U. Sirius, Joe Firmage, Craig Newmark (founder of Craigslist), and San Francisco City Supervisors Mark Leno and Chris Daly.

see also