for the Spanish traditional song "Mambrú se fue a la guerra", see Marlbrough s'en va-t-en guerre
The English version shown below was written by the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in the 19th Century.
It is said that a French gentleman wishing, when in London, to be driven to Marlborough Street, had totally forgotten its name; but on humming the tune, the coachman drove him to the proper address with no other direction.
In pop culture it is sung by Rasputine in Hugo Pratt's "The Golden House of Samarkand" Corto Maltese adventure, first issued in 1980 (French and Italian version).
Croix de Guerre | Croix de guerre | Actes et documents du Saint Siège relatifs à la Seconde Guerre Mondiale | Martin Guerre | Le Jeu de la Guerre | croix de guerre | Precis de l'Art de Guerre | Marlbrough s'en va-t-en guerre | La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu | Croix de Guerre (Belgium) |
The song was performed sixteenth on the night, following Monaco's Françoise Hardy with "L'amour s'en va".