
unusual facts about Marshal of the Royal Air Force

Alan Kreider

As a public speaker, Alan Kreider has taken part in a debate on the arms race with Marshal of the Royal Air Force The Lord Cameron of Balhousie as part of the London Lectures on Contemporary Christianity at All Souls Church, Langham Place (1982) and with Lord Trefgarne, Edward Leigh MP, and Canon Paul Oestreicher, at the Cambridge Union Society (1983).

Fairey Long-range Monoplane

On their return to RAE Farnborough,they were met by the Air Minister (Lord Londonderry), Under Secretary for Air (Sir Philip Sassoon) and Sir John Salmond, Marshal of the Royal Air Force.

Francis Newall, 2nd Baron Newall

Francis Storer Eaton Newall, 2nd Baron Newall DL (born 23 June 1930, in Surrey, England) is the son of Marshal of the Royal Air Force and Governor-General of New Zealand Sir Cyril Newall and his wife Olivia, and has served as a soldier, staff officer, diplomat, politician, legislator, businessman, and representative of the Crown in a variety of capacities.

see also

Edward Ellington

Edward Leonard Ellington, Marshal of the Royal Air Force, British Chief of the Air Staff

Lockheed Model 18 Lodestar

Among those killed were Air Vice-Marshal Wilfred Ashton McClaughry, CB, DSO, MC, DFC and Lady Rosalinde Tedder née MacLardy, wife of Marshal of the Royal Air Force Arthur William Tedder, 1st Baron Tedder, GCB.

Neil Cameron

Neil Cameron, Baron Cameron of Balhousie (1920–1985), former Marshal of the Royal Air Force